Tag Archives: menu

Croissant a popular menu.

It is undeniable that in this era. Everyone wants a “croissant” that can be sipped with coffee or tea. Croissant a popular menu. Ingredient. 350 g bread flour     70 grams of powdered milk 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar 7 g yeast powder 1 teaspoon of

Egg white porridge.

          Who knew flourless porridge was available too? This is egg white porridge. Add clean vegetables and beards, slightly salty seasoning. It easy menu for you. Ingredients. ready-made egg whites  Side dishes such as boiled vegetables, fried potatoes, smoked salmon  Seasonings of your choice such as soy

Seasoned Tofu.

Although seasoned tofu looks and tastes unsatisfactory. But let me tell you that the benefits of tofu are enormous. They are sold at 7-11 and are inexpensive. What are the benefits. Ingredients         1-2 egg tofu favorite meat (Mostly use minced pork and shrimp)